Towards a Theology of Church Growth
Towards a Theology of Church Growth

A major conference on church growth in Britain was held at St Johns College, Durham on the 12th and 13th September 2013. It was entitled Towards a Theology of Church Growth and included contributions from a range of leading scholars from a wide range of traditions, including:
- Prof Alister McGrath – Kings College, London
- Revd Dr Graham Tomlin – Dean of St Mellitus College, London
- Sr Benedicta Ward – Emeritus Reader, University of Oxford
- Revd Dr Miranda Threlfall-Holmes – Vicar of Belmont and Pittington, Diocese of Durham
- The Rt Revd Martin Warner – Bishop of Chichester
- Revd Dr David Goodhew – Director of Ministerial Practice at Cranmer Hall, St John’s College, Durham
- The Ven Bob Jackson – Former Archdeacon of Walsall, Tutor at St John’s College, Nottingham and Visiting Fellow of St John’s College, Durham
- David Marshall – Director of the Anglican Episcopal House of Studies and Associate Professor of the Practice of Christian-Muslim Relations, Duke University Divinity School, North Carolina
- Mark Bonnington – Fellow of St Johns College, Durham and Senior Pastor of Kings Church, Durham
- Revd Dr Jo Bailey – Director of Anglican Studies, Duke University, North Carolina (until 2012)
- Dr Dominic Erdozain – Lecturer in the History of Christianity at Kings College, London
Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury said this of the conference, shortly after its announcement:
“The team involved in this conference have done ground-breaking work and it will be very worth the commitment to attend.”
The papers from the conference have subsequently been published as an edited volume: Towards a Theology of Church Growth (Ashgate 2015).